__ MHH 1.1 _____________________________________________________ Send to: Everett Kaser Software email: everett@kaser.com PO Box 403 web: www.kaser.com Albany, OR 97321-0117 Phone: (541) 928-5259 (8am-8pm, PACIFIC Time) ________________________________________________________________ Windows Games (work on Win 3.1, Win 95, and Win NT) __ MESH: HERO'S HEARTS .................. $19.95 _______ __ MESH: HERO DEFIANT (shipping June 98). $19.95 _______ __ SHERLOCK for Windows ................. $19.95 _______ __ DINNER WITH MORIARTY ................. $19.95 _______ __ SOLITILE (40+ tilesets, 50+ layouts).. $19.95 _______ Shipping/Handling ........................ $ 2.00 $ 2.00 Additional shipping (outside of US/Canada) $ 2.00 _______ TOTAL ......... _______ Name ________________________________________________________ Street________________________________________________________ City __________________ State/Prov_______ Zip/PostCode_______ Country ______________________________________________________ I received the shareware program from (please check one): ____ An internet site (which one?__________________________) ____ An on-line service (which one? _______________________) ____ A CD-ROM (which one? _________________________________) ____ A friend or family member ____ Other (describe ______________________________________) What operating system are you using? Win 3.1___ Win 95___ WinNT___ OS/2___ Other_____________ What is your "Screen" resolution? (See the "Help-About..." dialog box, look in the bottom right corner) 640___ 800___ 1024___ 1280___ Other (what is it?)_______ If payment is via VISA or MASTERCARD: VISA____ MASTERCARD ____ Card Number: ___________-___________-___________-___________ Expiration date: ____/____ Phone: (______) ______-__________ Signature for credit card ____________________________________ MESH: Hero's Hearts --- Handcrafted puzzles requiring careful thought to solve. Includes over 1,000 levels, along with solutions to each level, and the ability to create your own new levels and entirely new objects for use in those new levels. Requires WINDOWS, mouse, and VGA with at least 256 colors. Minimum of 8 Mbytes of memory, 16 Mbytes recommended. MESH: Hero Defiant --- More puzzles with LOTS of new objects like Lasers, Mirrors, Directional Blocks, Pushers, Pullers, Joysticks, Doors, Switches, Lava, and more. To be introduced in June 1998, it will contain over 100 all new levels. Requires WINDOWS, mouse, and VGA with at least 256 colors. Minimum of 8 Mbytes of memory, 16 Mbytes recommended. Sherlock --- The computer scrambles the locations of 36 items then provides you with sufficient clues to determine their exact locations. Challenging game of logic with rich graphics display. Image editor and extra sets of images included. Requires WINDOWS, mouse and VGA with at least 256 colors. Dinner With Moriarty --- Great logic puzzles in the tradition of Sherlock. Moriarty and his guests sit around the dining table, each with their own drink, their own plate, their own food (one of which is POISON), etc. Where is Moriarty? Whom is he trying to poison? Use the clues to make deductions, capture Moriarty, and save the victim! Requires WINDOWS, mouse and VGA with at least 256 colors. Solitile --- A game of solitaire, played with tiles. The object of the game is to remove all of the tiles from the pile, following a small number of rules. Includes layout and tileset editors. Requires WINDOWS, mouse and VGA with at least 256 colors.